Liver Function Test

Affordable Liver Function Tests in Kolkata

What is LFT Blood Test?

A liver function test (LFT) or liver panel assesses the overall liver condition and function by evaluating the amount of proteins and enzymes excreted by the liver in blood. Doctors may recommend an LFT blood test if the patient exhibits symptoms like abnormal abdominal pain, jaundice, swelling in ankles and legs, dark urine, fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite. 

Individuals seeking an LFT blood test in Kolkata for routine health assessment or on a doctor’s recommendation can contact The Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory for a diagnostic test online.

How to Book LFT Blood Test at The Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory in Kolkata?

To book your liver function test (LFT blood test) with The Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory, you can follow these steps:

  • You can contact us by phone or go to our HEALTH SCREENING TEST PACKAGE page.
  • Fill up the form with your personal and medical information and book your test online from home.
  • You can also book for HOME COLLECTION by confirming your date and time. We are off on Sunday.
  • After completing the test, you usually receive the results within a day or two.

    Bilirubin (Total / Conjugated)SGPTSGOPGGTAlkaline PhosphataseTotal ProteinAlbumin

    The cost of a liver function test varies depending on the facility provided by the diagnostic centre in South Kolkata and the specific test recommended by the doctor. The Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory offers LFT blood test in Kolkata at reasonable prices, maintaining 100% accuracy in results.


    • Total – 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL
    • Conjugated – 0.3 mg/dL

    SGPT – 7 - 56 U/L

    SGOT – 5 - 40 U/L

    GGT – 9 - 48 U/L

    Alkaline Phosphatase – 40 - 150 u/L

    Total Protein - 6.4 - 8.3 g/dL

    Albumin - 0.2 - 0.8 mg/dL

    There are no restrictions on consuming regular foods and drinks before an LFT test. However, patients should avoid specific medications, alcohol intake, and smoking for at least a week before the test. It is crucial to strictly follow the doctor's instructions for an accurate LFT assessment.

    Increased liver enzyme and protein levels in the blood are the causes of a high LFT, which indicates liver cell injury or damage, enlarged liver, impaired liver functions, jaundice and chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis.

    Lifestyle and dietary modifications can help recover liver damage and reduce LFT levels.

    • Leafy vegetables
    • Olive oil
    • Vitamin D-rich foods
    • Antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, including apples, oranges, and avocado
    • Drink adequate water
    • Have green tea regularly
    • Moderate exercises like brisk walking, jogging and swimming

    • Alcohol
    • Medicines causing harm to the liver
    • Oily and junk foods
    • Salt and sodium-rich food
    • Too much protein intake

    Additionally, the patient must consult a doctor for a diet chart and proper medication and do an LFT test from a reputed diagnostic centre in Tollygunge to monitor the progress.